Everyone hates me. head in the clouds and i'm not coming down. I never apologize for how i feel. Leave me alone. I am the way. where did it all go. We don't know the weight of the words we say. I'm broken. He never cared. everything is awful. Alas. somewhere out there lives the one who's meant for me. I think i should stop talking. I have wasted my life. deep inside i care. A strange game. The winning move is not to play. Hey man i love you but no fucking way. I don't think you understand. I hope someday i will find love again. I send my best regards from HELL.
that's good, i write poems too, but i think it's a little too early to you give up, you're 19 (or something) so according to my calculations you would still live something like 50 or 60 years as a loser